In this scene, Karen finds that even though she has gathered a lot of information, she still does not know how to choose the best amusement park for Pegasus. She needs to learn to make decisions.
Scene 2: Karen Realizes She Needs to Learn to Make Decisions
She thought and thought and thought. She had to make a choice. She could not stand by and let time pass without selecting a park. There was no time to dilly-dally. Hanukkah was over, and she wanted to do this before Christmas.
She remembered when she had decided to walk to the Pier, and how that had led to meeting Pegasus. What’s more, she remembered when she had decided to rescue Pegasus, and how that led to his becoming a real, living horse. A realization arose in her mind. She had made those decisions on her own. Something within told her that her life would be richer and clearer, when she made more choices by herself. Something within told her that she could not remain dependent on Mama’s good judgment all her life. This little voice, which she called her inner speech, told her that while she was thinking. She took this to heart. It felt crucial and critical. It was the spirit of her curiosity to know and learn more about making decisions on her own. She wanted to gain wisdom and knowledge from those choices, and learn about life just like everyone else. It felt like fundamental to her own human rights and essential to her development. This desire ignited a fire that ran through her veins and would change her life forever.
She had to make a decision, just one, before she could make any others. This was a decision that only she could make. This conviction would change her life forever. It would liberate her.
She said to herself, “Learning to make choices takes courage. It means being daring and brave. It takes boldness and a fortitude. It takes spirit that one must acquire solely by oneself. To be fearless, you must challenge yourself, your thinking, and your beliefs, Kranya Layala.”
Her heart surged again. She said aloud, “I’m ready to make that decision and take that pivotal step. I’m so ready!”
©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.