Blog Archives

Empowering Accessibility: How to Thrive as a Digital Nomad with a Disability, by Jillian Day

[Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. A close family member, who has a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe online that he could read

Finding a Side Gig as a Disabled Parent by Jillian Day

Image courtesy of Pexels. [Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. A close family member, who has a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe

Bringing Home Baby When You’re a Parent With a Disability by Jillian Day

Photo by StockSnap via Pixabay [Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. A close family member, who has a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe online

Tips for Attracting Differently Abled Workers to Your Business by Jillian Day

Photo Credit: [Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. A close family member, who has a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe online

Tips on How to Run a Successful Business, Even if You’re Disabled, by Jillian Day

[Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. She was inspired to start when a close family member, who happens to have a visual impairment, had

Inclusive Teaching Techniques for Special Education Teachers

Recently, someone from contacted me about a resource they put together to help special ed teachers. It is also for people who are thinking of becoming special ed teachers. Here is some info on it, followed by a link

Tips for a Successful Move When You Have a Special Needs Child by Jillian Day

[Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. She was inspired to start when a close family member, who happens to have a visual impairment, had

Best Colleges and Universities for Students with a Learning Disability

When I wanted to go to college, I literally had to sue the State of California. Now, students with disabilities have a range of excellent colleges and universities to choose from. One of them (Beacon College) is actually dedicated to

Spartan Women, Bizarre Laws, and Bruce Catton

What do the women of the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta have in common with bizarre laws and a distinguished historian known for his writing on the American Civil War? The brilliant minds of Dr. Sean P. Dineen and Bill

“…guide for parents whose kids are diagnosed with ADHD…”

  I recently received an email from Tara Worsham, the founder of – Helping you to PROTECT your kids online, Her website is not quite ready, yet, but I wanted to share some useful information for parents whose kids