Blog Archives

Reflections of My Heart: Fruit of the Vine

In 2009, when I met someone who would become a dear friend and colleague, I wrote this poem. I knew, when I was introduced to him, that he was not like many other people I had met in publishing. He

Reflections of My Heart: Flower Garden

This poem was written in 1983. One spring day, my friend and mentor and I exercised in a cul-de-sac in Santa Monica, California. We walked up and down a set of over two hundred steps where many people exercised.  Many

Reflections of My Heart: Crossing Boundaries

This poem was written in 2014. It was about my friend in Massachusetts. He was going through a mental crisis. We talked and talked and talked, but I could not get through to him to get help. I even called

Reflections of My Heart: Gateway Ahead

  Somewhere between 1983 and 1985, I wrote this poem. Again, despite all the tears brought on by grueling life lessons, pain, and worry about how to prove myself to all humanity, I let go and wrapped myself in warm,

Reflections of My Heart: Ebbing and Flowing

Here is another poem from a relationship I thought could stand the test of time. But it didn’t. After college in 1985, I thought, maybe, just maybe, this time things would work out. Maybe this time, this relationship would be

Reflections of My Heart: Dusting

In 1985, I glimpsed memories of all I had been through. Some good. Some not. They came over me in a twinkling, shining with a gleam, then changed from bright to faint for a moment, a moment in which I

Reflections of My Heart: Divine Cruelty

In my heart, sometime between 1980 and 1983, those hard years for me, I attuned myself to hearing when people became cruel and willfully caused pain, emotional hurt, and trauma. Today, I can pick it up immediately. Nothing can ever

Reflections of My Heart: Days

One day in 1984, as I sat in the stillness of my home, alone and pondering my life, I thought of my past and whether I would ever have the opportunities non-disabled people took for granted. Here I was in

Reflections of My Heart: Dawn Rises No More

I wrote this poem in 1982, a time when I felt as if my years on this earth, and everything I did to prove myself, ripened only intermittently, as if my discipline and effort meant nothing. I got occasional glimpses

Reflections of My Heart: Darkened Seas

Once again, I coped with the blows of life, the inability to make my dreams happen. It was 1984, not the novel but the year, but just as gloomy as the book. The gray sea expressed how I felt inwardly.