Blog Archives

Empowering Accessibility: How to Thrive as a Digital Nomad with a Disability, by Jillian Day

[Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. A close family member, who has a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe online that he could read

Reflections of My Heart: Crashing

In 1984, while going for my daily walk to think, rejuvenate, and exercise my body, I looked up and saw another bird. Do you remember the one I told you about before? Being In tune with all of life, great

If I Can Do It, So Can You: Hear Me Speak

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking to the Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy. The recording is live on YouTube. Please let me know what you think, and if my journey of advocacy resonates with you.

News Flash: Hear Me Speak on the Post-Polio Syndrome Advocacy Group TOMORROW!

Ken Masson, the founder of the Post-Polio Advocacy Group in Rotary International, asked me to interview about my life story. Issues such as growing up with disabilities and then being labeled as borderline mentally retarded as an adult, and making

Finding a Side Gig as a Disabled Parent by Jillian Day

Image courtesy of Pexels. [Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. A close family member, who has a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe

Bringing Home Baby When You’re a Parent With a Disability by Jillian Day

Photo by StockSnap via Pixabay [Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. A close family member, who has a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe online

Honored to Serve–My Time on a Board

Harbor Regional Center is in Torrance, California, where it provides a wide range of services to people with disabilities and their families. I volunteered at the Center. Eventually, the management asked me to sit on the board of their Consumer

Tips on How to Run a Successful Business, Even if You’re Disabled, by Jillian Day

[Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. She was inspired to start when a close family member, who happens to have a visual impairment, had

Resume Guide for People with Disabilities

If you want to get a job, or you want to get a better job, you need a resume and a cover letter. This is true whether or not you have a disability. This post will point the way to

“…guide for parents whose kids are diagnosed with ADHD…”

  I recently received an email from Tara Worsham, the founder of – Helping you to PROTECT your kids online, Her website is not quite ready, yet, but I wanted to share some useful information for parents whose kids