Blog Archives

National Disabilities Employment Month (NDEAM)

Last month was National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month. I didn’t post about because I didn’t feel I had much new I could add to the conversation. I’d already written about my own struggles finding suitable employment, my battle with the

Tips for Moving With a Disability by Jillian Day

(Image via Pexels) If you are considering a move, then here is some advice on how to do it. It certainly got me to thinking. Do you, dear reader, have some tips on moving with a disability? Maybe you have

Disability Pride Month Reading List

For over fifty years, the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses has been a lifeline, sustaining small literary publishers in their efforts to bring significant, creative works to the public. They recently published a list of books and other literary

Paying the Bills During COVID-19: Tips for People with Disabilities by Jillian Day

Photo via Pexels [Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. She was inspired to start when a close family member, who happens to have a

6 Tips to Help You Find the Right Accessible Home by Jillian Day of

Photo credit: Unsplash [Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. She was inspired to start when a close family member, who happens to have a

With Hope in My Heart, an article I wrote for Audacity Magazine

Recently, my friend Nathasha Alvarez asked me to write an article for her online Audacity Magazine. I was delighted because memories of the struggles I went through to get an education in the 1970s, when inclusion was not an ideal

A Letter to President Joe Biden

Are you like me? Do your disabilities keep you from benefiting from conventional medical treatment? As you know, my disabilities began with a DPT shot that put my little infant body into a coma, and when I woke up I

Wishful Thinking: Ableist Attitudes Toward Academic Employment by Prof. Yvonne Singer

I am excited to publish this insightful paper by my friend Professor Yvonne Singer. Here are the first few paragraphs. Click the link at the end to read the entire article. Wishful Thinking: Ablest Attitudes toward Academic Employment  by Yvonne

Creation and Achievement by Dr. Sean P. Dineen and Karen Lynn-Chlup

“What have you accomplished?” This sardonic question asked by non-disabled people seems to sum up a lifetime of exploration and endurance. This is the only community that still, in our day and age, struggles. This community of cerebral palsy folks,

People’s Illusions

The hardest reality that we, people with cerebral palsy, face today in this world is the steadfast illusions that people without disabilities have about us. It is not what we are, but what they think we are that is the