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The Healing Horse, Ch. 24, Scene 4: Karen Explodes

Karen has had enough, and in this scene she tells off the whole room of experts. (Image courtesy of Kurt Kaiser, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 4: Karen Explodes “Enough! I’ve had it! That’s it! I’m leaving! Your questions are

The Healing Horse, Ch. 24, Scene 3: The Questions

In this part of the story, thirteen-year-old Karen undergoes a humiliating series of questions in front of her mother and a room full of adults. These are not questions people ask normal teenagers. (Image courtesy of Peterphotoman, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The Healing Horse, Ch. 24, Scene 2: The Binders

After bracing themselves for another ordeal, Karen and Mama return for the evaluation. Scene 2: The Binders “Thank you for coming back, Mrs. Hearshstein and Karen. We are ready to begin the evaluation. I’m sure the afternoon will go better

The Healing Horse, Ch. 24: The Evaluation, Scene 1: You’ll Never Walk Alone

This scene begins Chapter 24, which is all about the psychological evaluation that the school puts Karen through. She and her mother both know that the experts want to make her look retarded, but she refuses to go along with

The Healing Horse, Ch. 23, Scene 18: Yogurt and Courage

This scene concludes Chapter 23: The Promenade. Karen now knows what the evil experts are plotting for her. Even though she is frightened, she finds courage and knows she is fighting them not only for herself, but for everyone with

The Healing Horse, Ch. 23, Scene 17: Mama in the Cafetorium

While Karen tries to find some peace by being alone in the ladies’ room, Mama does the same over a coffee in the cafetorium. New word for you? Think school auditorium with folding down tables and attached seating for lunches.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 23, Scene 16: An Evil Plot Revealed

Evil therapists revealing their plans while powdering their noses? A frightened teen hiding in a toilet stall? Read on, as the stakes grow higher in the game of disabled girl versus evil experts. (Image courtesy of Satin Finish, Public domain,

The Healing Horse, Ch. 23, Scene 15: Reflection on Clinic

Karen has a moment to reflect and gather her courage. Notice how positively she speaks to herself. Even though she has just been brutalized by the experts and reduced to tears, she never lets their criticism turn into self-criticism. She

The Healing Horse, Ch. 23, Scene 14: Outside the PT Room

After the blow up during clinic, Mama and Karen take a moment to fend of the evil Mrs. Pinzetti and regroup.  (Image courtesy of Vincent Le Moign, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 14: Outside the PT Room As

The Healing Horse, Ch. 23, Scene 13: Mama Intervenes

Mama arrives in the nick of time. She tells off evil Dr. Lambert and shames him in front of his colleagues. (Image courtesy of Anthony Easton/flickr: PinkMoose, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 13: Mama Intervenes As Karen stepped through