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The Healing Horse, Ch. 26, Scene 2: Karen Asks Mama

Little Karen is someone who does not easily give up on herself or on other people. In this scene, she reaffirms her courage. She will go for a play date with a mean girl. Maybe she can help Claudia and

The Healing Horse, Ch. 26, Scene 1: Claudia Turns Friendly

This scene begins Chapter 26, which explores how a good-hearted person can be taken advantage of but turn the experience into something positive by learning from it. (Image by Fabian, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 1: Claudia Turns

The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 10: Like a Rosebud

This scene ends Chapter 25 on a joyous note. Thirteen-year-old Karen realizes that she is blossoming like a rose and helping her friends blossom in their own unique ways. They are changing the world. Stay tuned for a darker chapter,

The Healing Horse, Ch 25, Scene 9: Happy Goodbyes

In this scene, the friends say goodbye after promising to meet, again, soon. That is all good. But we also get a glimpse of what is to come, as Tammy’s sister glares at Karen. (Image courtesy of Evan-Amos, Public domain,

The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 8: The Blessing of Acceptance

In this scene, the happy play date ends as Tammy realized she has found complete acceptance for her exactly as she is. (Image courtesy of Rolf Dietrich Brecher from Germany, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 8: The Blessing

The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 7: Lipstick

This novel deals with the struggles of growing up with disabilities, but there can be happy times, too, when children make new friends and dance with joy. (Image courtesy of Jennifer Donley from Portland, United States, CC BY 2.0, via

The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 6: We Look Into a Mirror That No One Else Can See

People with disabilities view themselves reflected in a mirror that most people cannot even see. People without disabilities see hopelessness. People with disabilities see courage and potential to be all they can be.  (Paul Smith Typewriter Artist video via YouTube)

The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 5: Magical Wisdom

In this scene, Karen brings her friends to her Mama’s bedroom, where they are awestruck by the image of themselves in a mirror. This is what the dresser looked like, but the reflection in the mirror is not what they

The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 4: Up the Brick Path

In this scene, Karen meets her friend Tammy’s sister, an unhappy teenager who resents her disabled little sister. (Image courtesy of Ken Chan, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 4: Up the Brick Path Kimberly’s long brown hair was

The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 5: Waiting for Tammy and Kimberly

In this short scene, Karen watches as her friends arrive and feels reassured by her mother’s presence. (Image courtesy of Pinterest.) Scene 5: Waiting for Tammy and Kimberly The week seemed to take forever, but now Tammy and Kimberly would