The Healing Horse, Ch. 28, Scene 4: Mobility

photo of someone using a sip-and-puff typewriter

In this scene, we get into the family dynamics between Tammy and her sister. Tammy has a new electric wheelchair and loves the mobility it gives her. Her sister resents everything about Tammy, even Tammy’s efforts to become more independent. The family has gone beyond their personal Outer Limits. BTW, sip-and-puff technology is now standard and accepted.

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The Healing Horse, Ch. 28, Scene 4: Mobility

Karen looked up at Mama. How much of what Tammy said had she understood?

Tammy turned her head to the right and took the sip-and-puff straw in her mouth. She made the wheelchair pivot and carry her back through the front door into the house. In the entry hall, she veered too far to the left and bumped into the wall. After backing away, she turned too far to the right and bumped into the other wall. After several more tries, she led them to the living room, where she came to a stop after a hard bump into the cream sectional sofa.

The collision knocked a throw pillow onto the hand-tied floral Persian rug. Sandra put it back. “Tammy’s getting used to the electric wheelchair, so please excuse her if she bumps into things. We all pray that she learns to use it safely before she injures herself again.”

“Sandy, don’t be so excessively overprotective. I know I can master this chair, and I’m driving very slowly now. I won’t have any more bad accidents. A few light bumps into the walls and furniture are of no significance compared with the increased freedom and mobility riding a power chair affords me. Please try to control your unfortunate tendency to criticize without thinking!”

Karen did not know what to say and was relieved when Mama changed the subject. “Where is Mrs. Beaumont?”

Sandra put on her nice-girl face. “Oh, Mommy will be back in just a few minutes. She went to get a few things from the store. I hope that’s okay.”

“Sure, Sandy. That’s fine. I’m just concerned about Tammy being here without an adult present. You’re almost grown up, but there’s a difference. I was going to drop off Karen and then pick her up, but why don’t I wait for your mother in the kitchen? Tammy and Karen can visit together, but I’ll be close by in case anything happens. I’m sure they have lots to talk about.”

“Oh, of course. You can make yourself comfortable until Mommy returns. Oh, and may I get either of you a glass of something to drink?”

Mama and Karen both declined the refreshment offer, and then Karen watched as Sandra led Mama away to the kitchen, after she and Tammy had agreed that they would stay in the living room and not use the electric wheelchair to move around the house.

Original text ©2022 by Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

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