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The Healing Horse, Ch. 33: Dancing with Gilberto, Scene 1: Dance Togs

Someone once said that clothes make the man, and in this scene, the dance outfit confirms Karen’s growing intuition of her destiny as a dancer. (Image by Misaochan2, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 1: Dance Togs Karen opened

The Healing Horse, Ch. 32, Scene 4: Becoming Who She Really Is

In this scene, young Karen tells Mama about the dancer inside of her. It needs to get out. (Image by Lambtron, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 4: Becoming Who She Really Is A moment later, the front door

The Healing Horse, Ch. 32, Scene 3: Mama Finds Al

Mama listens to her intuition and sticks to her guns. She lets no one discourage her or stop her from doing what’s right for her daughter. Once again, she triumphs. What a great example for young Karen! (Image by Michal

The Healing Horse, Ch. 32, Scene 2: The View from the Crest

In this scene, the momentum builds as Karen takes the most important step toward fulfilling her dream—the step of accepting dance as her destiny. (Image by Boqiang Liao from Athens, Ohio, US, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 2:

The Healing Horse, Ch. 32: Finding Gilberto

This scene begins a new chapter in the book and a new chapter in little Karen’s life, as she blossoms into a beautiful young lady and an accomplished dancer. (Image by CBS-TVUploaded by We hope at en.wikipedia, Public domain, via

The Healing Horse, Ch. 31, Scene 4: Reflections on a Shattered Glass

Love is beautiful, and in this scene, Pegasus and Karen affirm that. Dollars spent or minutes enjoyed together cannot measure it. (Image by owoPricessPower666, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 4: Reflections on a Shattered Glass Karen let Mama

The Healing Horse, Ch. 31, Scene 3: Hurricane Sandy

In this scene, little Karen watches as Tammy, Sandra, and Patsy explode over their unworkable situation. They try to heal, but they need help. (Image by New England Glass Company, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Scene 3: Hurricane Sandy As Sandy

The Healing Horse, Ch. 31, Scene 2: Tears and Guilt

In this scene, the two mothers bond over their love of their children and the tragedies that have shaped their lives.  (Image by Andreaze, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 2: Tears and Guilt Patsy finished arranging the glasses

The Healing Horse, Ch. 31: The Thrown Glass

In the first scene of a new chapter, the two mothers bond, and the crystal glasses foreshadow another explosion.  (Image of Ohrbach’s logo by unknown) Scene 1: In the Kitchen Katie admired Patsy’s newly remodeled Mediterranean-style kitchen with its white

The Healing Horse, Ch. 30, Scene 3: Why Can’t They Understand?

In the last scene of Chapter 30, Karen affirms Tammy’s need to express her true feelings… But Sandra continues raging in the background.  (Image by Bonnefoy, Jacques, engraver, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 3: Why Can’t They Understand? As