The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 9: Return to the Barn

As a beautiful day ends, and this chapter approaches its close, Karen and Pegasus return to the barn, so the little girl can ride home with her Mama.

Scene 9: Return to the Barn

The sun sank low in the sky, and she knew her Mama would soon be waiting for her. She rode back to the barn, and arrived just as Mama’s car entered the parking lot.

Karen leaned over and cooed, “Well, boy, I think I’d better say so-long for now. Mama is here. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

Pegasus smiled and neighed farewell.

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 8: Eating at the Picnic Table with Joshua

This is the first scene in which the cowboy, Joshua, sees Pegasus fully alive–a horse, not a wooden carving. The three of them bond deeply, so deeply that spoken words become unnecessary.

Scene 8: Eating at the Picnic Table with Joshua

They walked to the picnic table, and Karen used it to dismount from Pegasus’ back. She and Joshua sat on a bench, while Pegasus stood nearby. After spreading a cloth napkin on the table, she unwrapped her tuna fish sandwich and poured chopped vegetables from the plastic bag. There were carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, and cucumber. As she arranged them, Joshua reached into his pocket.

“This here is for you, Pegasus. A pink lady apple. They’re better than delicious apples. I happen to have one on me. I always carry one for momentous moments like this here one.”

Joshua winked. Pegasus nuzzled him, and they bonded in a moment of sweetness. Even though they had spent many hours together at the carousel, this was the first time they had been together with Pegasus fully alive. There was now an inner link that united Karen, Pegasus, and Joshua, a spiritual aura articulating, connecting, and merging them into an inseparable alliance.

“What an affinity,” Karen said. “We are just like the three musketeers!”

She offered Joshua half her sandwich.

“Thanks, doll!” he said. They were growing closer every minute.

“Have some veggies, too.”

She gave Pegasus a carrot, and the three ate without further conversation.

Each of them reflected on recent events. They did not need spoken words. The words in their minds were in heavenly harmony.

Joshua had watched the changes in Karen. He was amazed at her progress and impressed by her willingness to stand up for herself and for those she cared about. I knew she would do great things the moment she chose Pegasus and clum up onto his back.

Karen’s mind drifted soothingly over the challenges of the past months. Now, I know who my real friends are, and what being a friend really means. It isn’t easy. Joshua and Pegasus are in my friendship circle, along with Mama. I will always be there for them, just like they are for me.

Pegasus also mused, Kitten has taken her first steps down an arduous path, and I have found a reason to live. We both have a long way to go, and I am grateful that I was sent to guide her.

Joshua said, “There’s just one more thing that we should talk about. Now that Pegasus is a real horse, you’ll need to learn how to take care of a real horse. Rocky can teach you. I’ll have a word with him and Tex, and he can start showin’ you what to do, next time you visit.”

After they finished the last bites of food, Karen wiped her mouth on one of the paper napkins, stood up, and dusted off her jeans. Joshua helped her pack the plastic bag and used napkins back into the paper sack, and then she and Pegasus said goodbye to him, as he walked toward his pickup truck in the parking lot.

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 7: Karen, Pegasus, and Joshua Have Lunch Together

This short scenes sets the stage for a memorable meal.

Scene 7: Karen, Pegasus, and Joshua Have Lunch Together

It was now noon, and Karen was famished.

“I’m awfully hungry. Can you both hear my stomach growling?”

“No, Kitten, even my superior horse hearing cannot hear your tummy growl, unless it is that sound like a distant freight train coming toward us. Would you like to eat now?” asked Pegasus.

“Yes, I would. Joshua, would you give us the honor of joining Pegasus and me? We would love it if you would. Look over there! I see a pretty picnic bench. Let’s sit down and eat the lunch I brought.”

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 6: Kitten and Pegasus Meet Joshua on His Ranch

After the ordeal of the hippodrome’s closure, and the joy of discovering Pegasus and bringing him home, little Kitten’s heart swells as she finds that her mentor and friend, Joshua, lives next door to the ranch where Pegasus now lives.

Scene 6: Kitten and Pegasus Meet Joshua on His Ranch

Enthralled as she was by the charm of the surroundings, she was not surprised to see for the second time in as many days, Joshua in the distance. He gave her a thumbs up.

She told herself that he was not a figment of her imagination. He was there, at that moment, like a confirmation of her recent accomplishments. Pegasus carried her to him.

“Hey, Joshua! I can’t believe you’re really here! I saw you in town, yesterday, but then you were gone. This is a truly sublime moment. It’s perfectly paradisic! What brings you out here?”

Joshua smiled, “Why, only a certain little missy and her magical steed.”

“You mean me and Pegasus?”

“Yes, ma’am! Tex is my uncle as sure as Babbs is my aunt, and when they told me they had a mystical stallion and a little girl ridin’ high on him at their place, I knew it had to be my Kitten on her Pegasus. Nobody else could’a brought Pegasus from a wooden carvin’ as dead as a stump (pardon me, ol’ fella’) to a livin’ cayuse. Nobody else would’ve cared ‘nuff to spirit him out’a that there hippodrome. Had’ta be you, young lady! Had’ta be you!”

Pegasus interrupted with a loud neigh, “Well! I hope I was worth the trouble.”

Surprised, Karen looked down at Pegasus from her seat on his back. He had never spoken in front of anyone other than her, but Joshua did not seem at all surprised to hear him speak.

She replied, “You two have been the actuation, the inner direction, the reason, and the cause. You’ve been the mainspring of everything I’ve done since we met.”

Joshua replied, “You’ve been an inspiration to me, too, Kitten. Watchin’ you learn to ride Pegasus showed me what horses can do for kids with disabilities. I used to have the idea that someday I might buy a ranch, but when the merry-go-round closed, I saw that this was the time. I bought this land from Uncle Tex and Aunt Babbs, and named it Joshua’s Disability Riding Ranch. This was the best way I knew to be of service to others.”

“Joshua! A ranch!” Karen said. “You actually bought a ranch!”

“And it’s right next door to where Pegasus lives, so you can come visit whenever you want.”

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 5: Karen and Pegasus Take a Magical, Spiritual Stroll on Joshua’s Ranch.

Above Tex’s ranch lies Joshua’s. It is a magical place filled with beauty and healing energy. Karen and Pegasus willingly fall under its spell.

Scene 5: Karen and Pegasus Take a Magical, Spiritual Stroll on Joshua’s Ranch

“Pegasus,” she said. “Would you like to go for a stroll with me? It’s nice out, and I need the exercise. You do, too, now that you’re a real horse. We can check out Joshua’s ranch, up in the hills above your new home.”

More than anything else, Karen wanted them to regain the carefree composure they had shared at the carousel, before it had been destroyed and Pegasus had begun his transformation into the uncertain life of a living horse.

A few hundred yards up the trail, they passed through an ornate wooden gate and found a garden with a sign proclaiming it the Old-Fashioned Garden. She instinctively knew that this was the beginning of Joshua’s ranch. Even in November, its neat beds of dainty snapdragons, salvias, lavender, and aromatic lilacs bloomed. A white gazebo stood in the middle, and stone benches flanked the paths. As they inhaled the fragrance of the flowers, they felt a spiritual essence come over them, a mighty, powerful presence that lovingly embraced their entire being, showering them with an enduring sense of self-possession, gently enveloping and energizing them both.

They continued to a tiny, arched bridge. From it, they looked down into a meandering creek, lush with ferns, moss and rush. Gneiss and schist sparkled in its banks. Water lilies floated on the surface, bright green against the dark water. Beyond it, they soon came to another bridge, a long, wooden span over a deep ravine. They felt its spirit silently waiting for them. Half way across, they paused and took in a three hundred sixty degree view of the surrounding hills. Breathing in, all their six senses danced. This was no ordinary open air belvedere. Spiritually awakened, they stood motionless, paralyzed by beauty. The path next descended into the ravine. Everywhere they looked, they saw beauty they had never imagined. The forest canopy had become dense, and Karen had to look up to see the sunlight sprinkling through. On the hillside above them, a sweeping cascade of leaves spread over a stone retaining wall, like a green Niagara Falls, with long strands of vines hanging hundreds of feet straight down.

Karen found herself laughing, and Pegasus joined her, neighing in joy. She felt some of the relief she wanted, some of the magic of the carousel coming back. When the trail flattened at the bottom of the ravine, Pegasus exploded into a gallop. Their expectation and excitement made them fly down the path. After a moment, he stopped with a deep sigh.

“Mmm, smells so pretty,” Kitten said. “Do you feel what I feel?”

“Yes,” Pegasus whispered. “A healing energy is here, healing us after our long journey from the carousel to the ranch. It is a female energy, the restorative power of Mother Nature herself. I feel my whole being reintegrating with itself.”

Kitten sighed, “I can’t believe how beautiful this is. It’s another world.”

Pegasus smiled. “It’s our world, now. It’s a peaceful, safe world where we don’t have to think about anything but the quiet calm.”

“Yes,” she said. “And thank goodness for Joshua.”

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

Paying the Bills During COVID-19: Tips for People with Disabilities by Jillian Day

Photo via Pexels

[Editor’s note: Jillian Day created to help people all across the web make their sites accessible to individuals with disabilities. She was inspired to start when a close family member, who happens to have a visual impairment, had trouble finding a dinner recipe online that he could read easily. When she’s not chasing after her little ones, Jillian enjoys being outside, whether she’s fishing, hiking, or geocaching with her family.

This is Jillian’s second article for Whispers of Hope. If you’d like to read the first one, click here: 6-tips-to-help-you-find-the-right-accessible-home-by-jillian-day-of-508assist-org/]

The pandemic has had a disastrous impact on job security. During the initial outbreak, global working hours dropped 14%, the equivalent of 400 million full-time jobs! Many people who lost work are still struggling to earn an income and pay the bills. Job loss has been even harder on people who already have a hard time securing work, such as those with disabilities.

Whispers of Hope knows how challenging it can be for people with disabilities to find secure, fulfilling, and high-paying work. But as the pandemic continues, you need to find a way to make ends meet. Here are some tips for finding work and earning an income during this difficult time.

Expand Your Skill Set

The world has recovered many of the jobs that were lost during the first few months of the pandemic, but work is still hard to find. Consider expanding your skillset to open up new job opportunities. Online schools are a great option whether you have a disability that limits your mobility, you prefer to learn at your own pace, or you’re concerned about the spread of the coronavirus in a classroom setting. At an online school, you can earn a degree in a wide variety of practical fields including information technology, nursing, education, or business management!

Try Freelance Work

If you need money right now, freelance work could be your answer. Working from home is an ideal setup for people with disabilities as it offers plenty of freedom and flexibility to work however you want. Getting started as a freelancer is easier than ever these days thanks to online job boards and social networking sites. All you have to do is choose a niche, produce some sample products, and convince a few clients that you know what you’re doing.

Many first-time freelancers think they have to start at the bottom, but don’t let your entry-level status stop you from going after the work and income that you want. Be confident, sell your skills, and ask for the pay you deserve!

Prioritize Essential Bills

When money is tight, earning income isn’t the only way to make sure your bills are paid on time. As CNBC explains, it’s important to review your household budget and prioritize essential expenses. If you have a disability, for example, you may need to set aside extra money for grocery delivery services, transportation, or home care expenses right now. Of course, rent, mortgage payments, and utility bills should also be at the top of your priority list.

Protect Your Credit

While you look for work, you may have to use your available credit to make ends meet. Although this is not the time to fret over small changes in your credit score, ensure that your credit remains in good standing so you always have access to favorable loans and savings benefits. Try to only use your credit card for essential purchases and make sure you can always make your minimum payments. And while cash advances may be tempting, they should be avoided at all costs.

Access Services and Support

Many people with disabilities, particularly those with underlying health conditions that increase their risk of COVID-19 complications, are facing higher everyday costs during the pandemic. People in high-risk groups have had to shell out extra money for things like private home care and delivery services for groceries and medication. Fortunately, people with disabilities can access government services, nonprofit support, accessible information, and other helpful resources all over the world. Karen can help build your confidence, deal with red tape, and all in all better cope with your circumstances, so consider reaching out for a coaching session.

People with disabilities can have a hard time earning an income during the best of times. With a global pandemic closing down businesses and erasing jobs, people with disabilities are starting to get really worried about making ends meet. This is the time to shift your job-hunting strategy and try something new. Pursue higher education, get into freelancing, and take steps to protect your personal finances in the meantime. Finally, seek support from those who understand your needs. Contact Karen today.


The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 4: Getting to Know Rocky, and Explaining Pegasus

At last, a long scene, as little Karen tries to explain how Pegasus has grown overnight, and why he does not need a bit in his mouth for her to control him.

Scene 4: Getting to Know Rocky, and Explaining Pegasus

The barn was like she remembered from the day before. Long and narrow, it had a row of stalls down each side, and the cool air smelled of straw and horses.

Pegasus was in the first stall, and the young man whom she had heard was spreading straw on its floor. He looked up when she entered.

“Howdy!” he said. “You must be Karen. I saw you, yesterday, here at the ranch and at your house. Daddy told me you’d most likely mosey ‘roun’, soon after sunup as you could manage. You can call me Rocky. I’m the bronc buster in charge of animal hygiene, as you can see.”

They both laughed as he pointed to the shovel leaning against the stable wall next to a pile of horse apples.

Karen introduced herself and asked him if he were from Texas.

“No, ma’am,” he replied. “I was born a Californian, but I’m hopin’ that if I try hard enough, I’ll grow up into a Texan, someday. Meanwhile, I try to fake the accent.”

Karen laughed, again. He was as funny as Joshua.

“Seriously,” he added, “I hope to become a veterinarian or a cowboy. I’m not sure which.”

“You must really love animals, Rocky. I see you have that manner about you.”

“Yes, ma’am. Manner and aroma.”

She couldn’t stop laughing. Then the conversation turned serious.

“If you don’t mind, ma’am, I have a question for you.”

Kitten smiled and waited. No one had ever called her ma’am before, not even Joshua.

“When Pegasus got here, yesterday, he seemed a li’l small to me ’n Daddy. Now, Arabians ain’t big horses, but still this’un seemed too small. Then, this mornin’ when I come to work, he was full size. Not big, mind you, but the size a fellow’d expect of a horse of this here breed. I couldn’t believe my eyes, so I called Daddy, ’n’ he said to put the saddle on him. If he was bigger, then it wouldn’t fit, but it did fit. On top o’ that, he always inspects every new horse, and Pegasus has a scab on his back. Daddy didn’t see it, last night, after y’all petted Pegasus, but it was there, this mornin’. It looks like a saddle sore that’s havin’ trouble healin’ up, but the scab is purple not red. Why, even Daddy said he’d never seen anything like that.”

He paused and looked at her, obviously expecting an explanation. Karen thought fast. How could she explain without giving away Pegasus’ mystical origins or sounding crazy, or lying? After a moment, she decided that humor was her only hope to avoid a head-on collision with truth.

“He may have looked a little smaller, yesterday, because he hadn’t had enough water to drink. He must’ve been dehydrated and shrunk, like dehydrated food. And the scab is purple because of his royal lineage. He’s a real blue blood.”

She giggled when Rocky’s jaw dropped, and then she quickly changed the subject.

“Speaking of saddles and sizes, I want to go for a ride, but I’m not big enough to saddle Pegasus myself. Could you please help me?”

Rocky seemed to accept the change of subject as a challenge, and with a smile he quickly saddled Pegasus.

“Yes, ma’am. I can saddle any horse, but this bridle doesn’t have a bit,” he remarked. “Can you control him without one?”

Karen wished she had taken time, the day before, to look at Pegasus’ saddle and other tack, but she had been so used to them being part of him that she had not considered what they would be like after his transformation. Fortunately, when she had read about carousel horses, she had also read about real ones and their care.

She laughed again and said, “He’s a very well-mannered horse. When I ride him, I just tell him what I want him to do, and he does it. Besides, if he had a bit in his mouth, it would be hard for him to talk.”

As Rocky watched with his mouth hanging open, she climbed up on the feed trough with her strong right leg and threw her left weak leg over Pegasus’ saddle. Shifting her weight into place, she was ready to ride.

“I have cerebral palsy, and my left leg is weak, so I mount from the right not the left. Bye!” she said with another laugh.

“Yes, ma’am,” replied Rocky. “And happy trails to you and your talking horse.”

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 3: Karen Searches for Pegasus, and Hears a Voice in the Barn

This short scene leads to a hilarious conversation between her and a friend she is just meeting.

Scene 3: Karen Searches for Pegasus, and Hears a Voice in the Barn

As she walked toward the pasture where Tex had put Pegasus, she saw that it was empty, but then she heard someone speaking softly in the barn.

“Easy, Pegasus, this is your new home.”

She followed the voice into the dimly lighted interior.

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 2: Mama Drops Off Kitten at the Stables

This is a short scene—just enough words to get little Karen from home to the ranch.

Scene 2: Mama Drops Off Kitten at the Stables

Mama appeared and asked if she were ready to go. In a moment, they were in the car, with Karen counting seconds until she could see her Pegasus, again. On Sunday mornings, there was almost no traffic, so they made the drive in fifteen minutes. At the stables, Karen felt as if she were floating, when she opened the Bel Air’s door and swung her feet to the gravel of the parking lot. In her right hand, she held a brown bag of goodies for lunch. In her heart, she held the promise of a mystical day with her horse.

Mama called out, “I’ll pick you up later this afternoon, Kitten. Have a good time.”

“Bye, Mama, I’ll see you later!”

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 10, Scene 1: Sunday Morning. Karen and Mama Get Ready to Visit Pegasus

Karen and Mama clean the house and get ready to visit Pegasus at his new home—the ranch. As Karen waits for her Mama to get dressed, she starts to fidget, but then she reminds herself that she needs to work on her health and strength, not just for herself, but for her horse.

Scene 1: Sunday Morning. Karen and Mama Get Ready to Visit Pegasus

The next morning came fast. Mama had a plan. Karen and she would quickly clean the house, and then she could spend the afternoon with Pegasus, while Mama bought groceries and ran errands. Karen used her strong right hand to vacuum and dust, while Mama cleaned the kitchen. By eleven, they were done.

Karen made sure she was ready before Mama was. She put on her new riding outfit, and just as she expected, the pearl snap buttons on the shirt were easy for her to close. In the living room, Karen squirmed in an overstuffed chair. Five minutes crept by, but Mama was still not ready. Karen told herself to stop fidgeting, and turned her attention to how she could make the most of the day.

Now that her magical horse was fully alive, she committed every millisecond of her life to him, so using her time with Pegasus had become critical to recovering and developing her own strength. Her in-tandem exercises would be her secret way to success. She could incorporate aerobic exercise into having fun with Pegasus. In addition to improving her balance by riding him, she could strengthen her legs by walking him. She could stretch her muscles while he rested. She would not waste a moment. Now that she had him back, she needed to get her health back on track. He needed her to be strong, and she needed to become stronger for herself.

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.