Favorable Chances vs. Missed Opportunities

When you think back on your life as a person with Cerebral Palsy and Special Needs, what comes to mind?  At first, do you personally think of all the discrimination that has come your way?  Do you think of all the misleading statement teachers, counselors, and doctors have written and documented about you?  Do you think of all the lies, to all of the attempts to which you have made your life better and to move forward with?  Can you go back in time and remember the last 15 or 20 years that have past? Can you remember missed opportunities (the tooters you never got to help you learn to read, the passing of grades not ever really knowing anything, the job you never got because your counselor would not approve your educational desires, the technical equipment you desperately needed but no one approved, the clearance and hands-up to live a healthy, “normal” life within our own limitations) how much of this is the result of all you have done?

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