What is Your Voice Saying

What does your voice sound like?  Is it calm and inviting like Pavarotti the opera singer? Does it engage people?  Does it work in your favor by having a positive energy force?   Do you bring this positive nature forward to carry out the work you wish to do?  Do you work well with others?  Are you a team leader, have innovative ideas and do well under pressure? Is your attitude uplifting, cooperative, and willing to compromise?

Or does it irritate, offend, and insult like a hawk and its warlike aggressive behavior? Would you say you come across whining, blaming others, and always having to be right?  Additionally, do you come across in a doom or gloomful kind of manner?  Can you handle corrective citizen by just listening- Can you take what others have to say?  Are you willing to take the necessary steps and action to grow from your lessons just learnt?  What is your energy level like? Are you tired before you even get started in the morning?  Did you stay up all night listening to your voice in your head?  Did it keep going on and on complaining about what this person said and didn’t say?

Does your voice work for you?  Is it a useful tool to help you get ahead? Or, does it extinguish your light and what you stand for?  Do you fight to forge forward in your life’s’ endeavors?  Or are you wasting your precious time and others’?  Does it affect your productivity and the way you move forward in the universe? Is it an effective tool or one that hinders? Better yet, does it drain peoples’ energy?

If your voice does any of the above, you are not alone.  You have a chance every day to work on yourself to become a better person. To gain the qualities you truly posses-

No one said it was going to be easy.  But if you work on it a day at a time, and take the necessary steps one must to change, you will be so happy.  You will feel so content within.  You will have mastered the yin and yang of  your true self.

3 comments on “What is Your Voice Saying
  1. Seanpdineen says:

    Your voice my beloved friend, is a clarinon call to a better world, a reminder of truth, and courage in a world too often contemptous of both.

  2. Adaddyblack says:

    Sister Karen…by questioning the reader and not preaching to the reader…you take the conversation beyond the level of merely exchanging absolutes. This form of embrace works to make us…the reader…think, evaluate, and think again. Because the voice is more than a personal tool of awareness for the actor…the voice…even silence…paints the world forward or backwards. Sweetness wins even if rejected.  Yo’ Jersey Brother…Arthur

  3. Sean Dineen says:

    Arthur my friend, you are totally right!  Being able to use voice, and knowing how to bond with those on the other side of an issue is powerful, and life altering

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