Now, it’s Mama’s turn to reflect on her Karen’s accomplishments. If you don’t know Yiddish, then here’s a little vocabulary lesson for you.
Kveling = glowing with pride
Shana madel = pretty or well-behaved girl, like a mensch but female
Mensch = literally means a human being, but
Yiddishe kop = Yiddish or Jewish head or mind
Oy! = An exclamation expressing happiness
Krana Layala = Karen Lynn in Yiddish
You can learn more Yiddish at
Scene 4: Mama Drives Home
After Karen left the pier, Mama retrieved her car from the parking lot. As she drove home, Mama reflected that many people with disabilities more profound than Karen’s had achieved great things in life. She knew that her Kitten would, too.
Kitten has done something I thought she’d never do! I’m glowing with pride. I can’t stop kveling with happiness! My shana madel is a mensch. She has a Yiddishe kop! She is proving me wrong at every turning point. She is showing me just how much she can achieve. Oy!
Her determination will get her far in life. I can see now I did the right thing. This was the first step to overcoming everything else. I’m so glad I gave her this chance and didn’t let my fears get in the way. When Kitten woke up from her coma, I prayed that she wouldn’t have so many disabilities that she couldn’t think and do things on her own. More than that, I wanted her to feel her own dignity and self-respect.
Now, her strength is greater than mine. She has turned her CP into an asset. She’s teaching me to be strong. I must support her as she builds her strength, while I can. I won’t be here forever. I must stop with my overprotectiveness and prepare her for adulthood. I’ve never seen my daughter so happy before. Making this possible has helped us both. Even if some of the other parents thought this was a mistake, now I know I was right. My Krana Layala is standing tall with a self-assurance I’ve never seen in her, before.
#yiddish #disabilities
©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.
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