Blog Archives

Open to Learn

Ever since I can remember, no matter how difficult the challenge of learning was for me, I went the distance. Despite my Cerebral Palsy and Dyslexia, and despite being able to write my girlfriends last name instead of my own

Being Different and Unique

Having Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability has taught me many lesson’s in life. It has taught me to be grateful.  It has taught me Patience’s, and the capacity to handle delay, trouble, and for the most part not suffer


In the last few weeks, since I have written, I have learned much again about people in general and human nature.  Once again, I find that this world we live in today, is very selfish.  People are only out for


In my life-time I have been under heavy scrutinizing because I chose to live my life on my own teams.  I chose to live my life as a “Normal” person who has feelings, wants, needs, and desires- I have talked


Normal- conforming to a norm, standard, regular, a normal temperature. ( psychol.)  Conforming to the standard or average for a particular type or group (loosely) mentally or emotionally sound. (math) Says the New Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus. So what is


I got to thinking about this word, integrity, and I realize I have stood behind myself, my words, and my beliefs as a human being, and, a person with Cerebral Palsy and a learning disability a hundred percent of the

I am Only One Person

Time and time again I think to myself how different this world is than when I was a child.  How different it is since I was a young adult just starting on my journey.  And how different life has changed

Getting Around A System That Doesn’t Work

Dear Readers, how awful is this! I got to thinking today how “every” aspect of a disabled or special needs person’s life is scrutinized by “Helpful Experts” who assume God like powers over our goals, our dreams, our thoughts, our

What we go though as Disabled People

The hardest part about having a disability is that no one really take us seriously.  It is like pulling teeth to be heard as we wish to be heard, and taken into consideration and regarded like the rest of the

Cleansing of the Heart & Soul

Today has been a day to reflect upon my life and to let go of my past.  Once again, I have written my feelings down, only to release them from my being, and to gain strength and knowledge to live