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The Healing Horse, Ch. 22, Scene 5: Mrs. Pinzetti Delivers a Note

This scene brings Mrs. Pinzetti into the classroom, and she brings more bad news.  (Image by Christos Vittoratos, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 5: Mrs. Pinzetti Delivers a Note As the teacher collected the writing assignments, Mrs. Pinzetti

The Healing Horse, Ch. 22, Scene 4: An Impromptu Writing Exercise

As her Mama talks with Principal Stephie, little Karen struggles through a writing assignment in her classroom. Even though she has studied the subject, under pressure to write on demand she cannot remember what she has learned. School teachers now

The Healing Horse, Ch. 22, Scene 3: Mama Visits Principal Stephie

After little Kitten sees her mother at school, Mama has a serious talk with the principal. She has always advocated for her daughter, but now she is beginning to think like an activist. (Image of Elizabeth Taylor in her role

The Healing Horse, Ch. 22, Scene 2: Meeting Mama at School

This short scene leads into a longer one of Mama reveals to the school principal what little Karen overheard. Scene 2: Meeting Mama at School Later, after a morning nutrition break spent thinking about Tammy, Karen saw Mama outside the

The Healing Horse, Ch. 22, Scene 1: Seeing the Experts

Chapter 22 begins with a short scene. Little Kitten arrives at school and sees the evil experts lurking. She knows they are waiting for her and her friends, but then she remembered something her friend Tammy’s mother said… (Painting “Head

The Healing Horse, Ch. 21, Scene 14: Mama Makes an Appointment

This scene is another turning point in the story, as Mama decides she has to tell the principal of her daughter’s school what the experts are planning for her and for her friend Tammy. (Image by ProhibitOnions at English Wikipedia,

The Healing Horse, Ch. 21, Scene 13: A Call from Tammy’s Mom

After sitting down for her evening snack, little Kitten’s Mama recalls a desperate phone call, and that both she and the woman who called her are trying to raise their disabled daughters without help from a husband.  (Image courtesy of

The Healing Horse, Ch. 21, Scene 12: Mama’s Snack

This scene is a transition between the end of Karen’s day and her mother’s memory of her own day. In it,  Mama tries to soothe her nerves with ice cream, but then we learn a little about her work and

The Healing Horse, Ch. 21, Scene 11: Homework

Even after an extremely difficult day, little Karen faces the challenge of homework. Since she has dyslexia, it is never easy for her, but she finds the inner strength to conquer it. (Portrait of Tchaikovsky by Charles Reutlinger, Public domain, via

The Healing Horse, Ch. 21, Scene 10: Dinner

After discussing the situation with Pegasus, little Kitten feels calm enough to reveal to her mother what is going on at school. (Image of matzo ball soup by Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 10: