The Healing Horse, Ch. 18, Scene 11: Tears of Relief

image of kitten asleep under dubet

In this scene, Kitten uses meditation and mindfulness to prevent her mind from painting images of catastrophe that would terrify her. She eventually finds rest under her white duvet. (Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash)

Scene 11: Tears of Relief

Karen looked over at her bed. She was tired, but dreaded the possibility of another night of sleepless worry. She remained on her window seat and gazed up at the stars. Her lips began a poem she had learned long ago. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight…”

Taking her exquisitely disabled left hand into her strong right, she recalled what Pegasus had just told her. Voice soft but firm, she said aloud, “I affirm that my mind is at peace and is very, very still. Nothing can or will harm me. Nothing can get the better of me. I have complete hope and faith within myself. I have the courage of a lion. I have a spiritual entity within myself that fearlessly faces the fears I fear the most. I rest in peace and security knowing that all is as it should be, for even my tormentors are my teachers. Every day, I grow in health and wisdom, and I will reaffirm this every single day.”

Her eyes filled with tears. She was overwhelmed with gratitude, and she joyously allowed the tears to flow down her cheeks. She would keep this promise to herself and to her horse.

She dried her tears with a Kleenex from the box on her bedside table. In the bathroom, she warmed the tub with more hot water and slipped into it, soaking away her woes, meditating peacefully. Re-empowered, she dried herself and put on her pajamas before sliding beneath the white duvet with its pattern of pink butterflies, and arranging her pillows so they were perfect.

She allowed her mind, her body, and her soul to relax even further. She allowed her mind to think only gentle, empowering thoughts, and no sooner did she visualize herself sitting on the Santa Monica beach, looking out over the ocean, than did she fall peacefully asleep.

Original Text ©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

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