The Healing Horse, Ch. 17: Trampled, Scene 1: Kitten, Five Years Old and Aglow


This scene, Karen has just returned from a triumphant day at Disneyland during which she received a prediction that someday she would become a leader and a dancer, and in her dreams that night she relives an earlier event when her inner wisdom showed her how to turn a nasty accident into a positive learning experience. This foreshadows more difficulties to come, but it also affirms her power to deal with them. (Image by Bellinon from Pixabay)

Scene 1: Kitten, Five Years Old and Aglow

That night, in her dream Kitten was five years old and aglow with new confidence, new insights, and a developing sense of self-worth.

In her little girl mind, she saw that life was more than limiting obstacles. She did not have to play into the delusion that life was a struggle against impossible odds. She could turn any negative situation or comment into affirmations of herself. These included painful experiences that she could see as pure, meaningless suffering if she chose to, but she did not so choose. She knew that she could live her life according to her beliefs—happily—and she could make her life manifest the joy she felt in her heart.

An instinctive, spontaneous wisdom told her that she had untold wishes and untapped desires, and a penchant for fulfilling them. She felt in her gut, in the deepest resources of her being, truths that she knew most people never found. She listened to this wisdom. This universal sixth sense was her definitive source for judgment. As an inner compass, it gave her direction, and the knowledge of right from wrong.

Knowing this, she also knew that there would be time for fun. Today, she thought she recognized an opportunity for fun. Her sense of self-worth gave her the courage to ask Mama about going to the neighborhood elementary school’s Annual Treasure Hunt.

Original Text ©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

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