Common Courtesy: A Step Up in Communication

What does one think about when writing or sharing written material with other people through Twitter, You Tube, Disaboom, or Myspace.   These modes of communication are to fill and enrich peoples lives, not bring unpleasant experiences. I know how uncomfortable it can be as when I was younger I could not write.  As an infant, I was paralyzed due to a DPT shot.  My body became paralyzed, and I had a severe learning disability which made me struggle pretty much my entire life, although, today, I have learned new ways to compensate, new ways to work through my fears, and I have found new ways to work under pressure.  That is why having a common courtesy is so very, very important as one does not know who they are meeting over the World Wide Web.  While my learning disability is not as severe as it once was, I still have my moments to this day.  That is when being kind, caring, and tolerable comes in.  One never knows whom they may encounter or meet.  One never really knows what they may say while communicating that will offend someone deeply. Now, when I meet individuals like this I don’t let it get to me.   I shrug it off.  I use my positive tools to let it go with ease.

I want you to know that this is not always easy.  In the past 3 decades I have not only learn to overcome and succeed in dealing with my problem, and what others may say, but I have supper seeded all my expectations of what I thought I would become.  It is very humbling to remember that which I came from; as in my late teens, I could not even write a letter by myself.  I remember my mother doing it for me.  So, remembering this helps me to keep my communication skills up.   It helps me to stay very humble and modest.  The other thing that keeps me unpretentious is being myself and not coming off knowing that I know it all, egotistical, or un-kind.  I have never for the sake of it just been un-caring, to others.   I have always reach out with a warm  concern about others and a concerned feelings to rise people up, not to tear them down!  That is a common courtesy we aught all have.  While speaking to other people and communicating with others it is nice just to be nice-  I think twice about how I would like to be treated when I write back to someone writing to me.  I don’t want to come across too abrupt, too conceded, or even too contrived.  I remember always that people have feelings too, and that their feeling count just as much as mine.  I remember you can’t take back words once you’ve spoke or written them- I also remember that while reading other peoples emails, writings, and blog entries to be kind always as I know what I reflect out to others, is a direct indication of my attitude and well being.  So, I am not so quick to judge anyone.

I also remember when I was in my mid twenties, I remember a dear, dear friend lifting me up by sweetly saying…” write what comes to your heart and mind and put it to paper.  And so I do the same now.  I pay it forward.  I want you to know I took to heart my friends empowering words and have been writing ever since. So I am the last to say a critical word!  I have not only written an autobiographical, “THE BROKEN HOOF” but I write for two different disability magazines.  I make sure my writing can help someone in some way.   I make sure I write a whisper of hope to encourage and empower.  A whisper to lift and rise.  And a whisper to show that one truly cares!

My writing has become a tool in which I express myself.  It is something I love to do, and find fulfillment in.  I take much pride, and joy, in the things I write and share with the world.  They have meaning.  I try to teach and impart a personal closeness in what I am trying to convey to my readers.   Writing for me is very therapeutic.  It is an instrument to meet others that have the same interests as me;  as well as  helps me get comments and informal come backs from others.  It is a way for me to center myself after an especially busy day.  And, it calms me down, as helps me listen to that quiet, still, inner-voice of mine.  Moreover it gives me a reason to sit down for a few minutes, all alone in the quietude of my own inner being.  This is something I can give my all to.  Something I can rejuvenate myself with, and something I can transcend, surpass, and go beyond any thought I might have or chose to develop.  It gives me that sound strength to scribe on.

Writing has not only become fun for me, but it has become a vital implement to share, teach, and express my feelings and emotions by which I choose to share as a messenger.  It has become a certain kind of vehicle to which I can convey.  Thus, we who have been selected and gifted with this amazing tool and means, let us be a positive instrument for all to convey this common courtesy.

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