The Healing Horse, Ch. 8, Scene 12: Mama Dozes Off

The day ends on a happy note, with Kitten asleep by Pegasus in the garage, and Mama in her own bed, knowing that having Pegasus in their lives is exactly what her girl needs.

Scene 12: Mama Dozes Off

As she felt her eyes close, she realized how thrilled she was that Karen had brought Pegasus home. Her intuition told her that the adventure ahead would be exactly what her Kitten needed. Besides, showing respect for Karen’s judgment was important. Otherwise, she would never develop the confidence to make her own decisions as an adult. It had taken courage and determination to bring the horse home. Mama was not going to discourage that. Mama felt herself smile a bigger smile than she had worn in a long time. Having a magically colored horse was going to make their lives better. She was not going to allow what anyone else thought to sabotage Kitten and her future.

Thank God nothing worse happened to either one of them, and they’re both okay, now. I know how important this is to her, emotionally, and how important it is to have a trustworthy friend.

©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

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