The Healing Horse, Ch. 21, Scene 10: Dinner

image of matzo ball soup
After discussing the situation with Pegasus, little Kitten feels calm enough to reveal to her mother what is going on at school.

(Image of matzo ball soup by Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons)

Scene 10: Dinner

“Krana Layala, is that you? It’s after dark, and I was scared something bad had happened to you. I thought you were going to be home for dinner, and you looked so worried when you got off the bus that I made your favorite dinner for you, chicken matzo ball soup.”

Her mother’s voice brought her back from the state of deep peace that her time with Pegasus had given her. She recalled his words about how she needed Mama to advocate for her against the experts, and how Tammy needed her own mother’s protection, too.

“Mama,” she said. “I’m sorry if I worried you. I had a lot to talk about with Pegasus. Let me help you with the matzo balls.”

Mama hugged her and said, “You’re such a blessing, my girl, and I’m so glad you’re home and safe. Of course I’ll let you help me, but only if you tell me what’s on your mind.”

In the kitchen, Karen described what she had seen and heard at school—the thrown coffee cups, the plot against Tammy, and the decision to recommend unnecessary surgeries. Mama listened and ladled the soup into bowls, as Kitten finished.

“Oy vey!” she replied as they sat down at the dinner table. “Tammy’s mother phoned me at work, this morning. She was quite upset about the whole power wheelchair thing and dead set against it. And I agree that a lot of these experts are more concerned with enriching themselves and gaining social status than they are with helping anyone but themselves. As for unnecessary surgeries, those would be illegal, but we both know Dr. Lambert, and I wouldn’t put it past him, and I can see him pressuring the PTs to cooperate with him.”

“But Mama, how can we stop him?” Kitten asked.

Mama said, “Let me think about this, my Krana Layala. Let me think about this. For now, you need to eat your dinner and do your homework. Thank you for telling me about what you overheard. Now, eat.”

Original text ©2022 by Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

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