Reflections of My Heart: Listening

JMW Turner's painting Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons

This poem came to me one day, back in 2004, when I was feeling pretty down low. It had to do with the man I loved.

That day my heart hurt because of the way he talked down to me and at me. Because he hurt me so deeply, my feelings were out of control. I could barely speak, I was so upset.

So, I reached out to my friend Shawn, who lived in Massachusetts, and we talked by telephone for a long time, but within a few minutes of describing what was going on inside myself, I began releasing my anguish, letting go, and feeling better.

As I relinquished my grip enough to free myself from the stress and tension, I knew I had to release my anger, and when I did, that anger and hurt turned to forgiveness.

Yet, as my friend and I talked, I knew I had to hang up, so I could write, affirm, meditate and forgive not just my beloved—but myself for reacting. I needed to be alone and allow myself to breathe and set my heart free.

And I did set it free, but unfortunately, Shawn also eventually withdrew from my life. He was a good friend. I miss him and wish him well.


Today was dark!
My heart felt like sinking.
My thoughts drifted far from reality.
My voice quivered and disappeared!

Then I dialed you
And listened to your sweet voice.

You spoke words that sounded like a symphony,
And started a crimson blaze
Within myself,
Out of control!

You were so right,
And I was totally
Left on my own!

You can order my poetry collection, including this poem, here: Reflections of My Heart.

Original text ©2024 by Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved. Image by J. M. W. Turner, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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