Reflections of My Heart: Life Sentence

photo of sign naming the Ambassador Bridge connecting the US and Canada

Many times, within myself, I grappled about my feelings around what happened to me; not just being paralyzed by a faulty vaccine, but learning unconditional love and acceptance of myself. Characterized by my presence and passions for the qualities of being a positive person, someone who turns negatives into positives in my life, and everyone’s lives, I changed.

In 1992, I wrote this poem after realizing how I had evolved, and how a transformation of my being, a dramatic shift and realization, had changed my being. I didn’t want to be looked down upon, or thought of as a broken human, ever again. I wanted an everlasting change in my life, and I had grown, and I had caused myself to grow. This epiphany was revolutionary.

Knowing this about myself, I turned toward acceptance and unconditional love. Unconditional love became my purpose. My disabilities became my greatest teachers in life. They helped me cross bridges, make friends, and take on difficulties and misfortunes, so I could become a voice and a light for everyone who came into my orbit.


What a tragedy to have
Lived imprisoned for so long!

To feel,
But not really be able to feel!

To talk,
But never really being able to communicate what is wrong!

To touch,
But never really being touched with life’s inspirations!

And why?
I don’t know why life
Has taken this course
For me!

Maybe because of my own suffering!
I have tried to make my life a happy one!

Instead of bearing fruits of the vine,
I bear bridges with miles
And miles of ocean water between lands!

These bars I once wore on my left leg,
They are the clattering chains,
That are there with my every step!

And my arm, it is the wing that has been clipped
Dangling like a pendulum to and fro.

Imprisoned with a life sentence which
I never had control over!
Only to look deep within
Searching and finding
An unconditional acceptance
For myself
Which I never knew I had!

You can order my poetry collection, including this poem, here: Reflections of My Heart.
Original text ©2024 by Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved. Image by Ken Lund from Reno, Nevada, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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