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The Healing Horse, Ch. 30, Scene 2: Stomping In. Stomping Out.

In scene two, little Karen witnesses another bad interaction between the two sisters. The older one erupts like a volcano hiding under a frigid layer of ice and snow. (Image by McGimsey, Game, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 2:

The Healing Horse, Ch. 30, Scene 1: Drool and Tissue

Chapter 30 continues little Karen’s visit to Tammy’s home. As always, she does her best to help her friend. In the first scene, she provides some of the care that Tammy’s sister should.  (Image by Captain MarcusL, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The Healing Horse, Ch. 29, Scene 4: Plans, Clicks, and Sobs

In this scene, Karen learns more about what broke Sandra’s soul.   (The picture is of the first pressing of the 45 rpm disc of The Beatles’ I  Want to Hold Your Hand. Photo by H. Michael Karshis from San

Ch. 29, Scene 3: Sandra Raised Her Eyebrows

In this scene, Karen rises above the temptation to lash out at a wounded soul, no matter what. Read on to see how she does this.  (The picture is from, a great place if you love beautiful cars. Unfortunately,

How I Manage My Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

How is your health? I thought mine was good, especially for a woman with CP and a sensitive immune system that reacted to everything. Then I started feeling bad and found out I had two serious health problems. But then

The Healing Horse, Ch. 29, Scene 2: The Studio

In this scene, Karen learns more about the roots of Sandy’s bitterness. Abandoned by her father, criticized by a respected teacher, and without the spiritual strength to keep her balance, she hides her broken heart behind arrogance.  (Picture is of

The Healing Horse, Ch. 29: Before the First Argument, Scene 1

In this scene, Tammy confesses her darkest feelings about herself, and Karen draws on her spiritual wisdom to reassure her. If you enjoy my writing, please like and share. (Image attribution: Solarence, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Scene 1:

Committing to Yourself

Committing to yourself is hard. People misunderstand and think it means being selfish. It doesn’t. In this post, I will show you the benefits of committing to yourself while finding a healthy balance between self-care and caring for others. These

The Healing Horse, Ch. 28, Scene 4: Mobility

In this scene, we get into the family dynamics between Tammy and her sister. Tammy has a new electric wheelchair and loves the mobility it gives her. Her sister resents everything about Tammy, even Tammy’s efforts to become more independent.

The Healing Horse, Ch. 28, Scene 3: Like Audrey Hepburn, but Sparklier and Meaner

In this scene, the “Outer Limits” theme continues… (ominous laughter echoing in my mind) Scene 3: Like Audrey Hepburn, but Sparklier and Meaner Karen raced ahead to the porch and waited by the white front door. Just as Mama caught