I look back on a spectacular California day in May 1993. Chris and I took a drive up to the San Gabriel Mountains. A moment in my life that I will never forget. You see, I didn’t travel much when I was a child or a young woman.
When I was growing up, my mother didn’t take me on trips or vacations. She was busy concentrating on getting me well, and running a household and a business while raising two children, since my father had died in 1965, when I was only fourteen years old.
Although, when I became a young woman in my twenties and thirties, I empowered myself, working on my independence. One of the things I did was travel a little.
But when I got married, I traveled even more. One weekend, my husband Chris wanted to take me to the San Gabriel Mountains. So we packed our lunch, our water jugs, our hats, sunscreen, and hiking boots. It took about an hour and a half of driving to get there.
We finally reached our destination and parked our car. Out the car door, we flew. While walking up the first incline towards the waterfall, I felt the temperature change. It was cooler. The breeze cut through my down vest. We hiked up the trail, following the dirt path, and when I looked up, I saw the sunlight sparkling through the tall pines. ‘
“Ah!” I breathed. The stress released from my body, and a sense of peace came over me.
We walked around a bend and reveled in the rock formations. Surrounded by beauty, we made the last turn. The air grew even crisper. And the topography changed suddenly.
“Oh Chlupie!” I called out, using my husband’s nickname. “Look, how beautiful.”
We had arrived. So breathtaking. Awe-inspiring. Sturtevant Falls stood above us in their full glory, overflowing with beauty and perfection, soothing my heart and mind in every way.
No matter how deep my pain has been throughout my lifetime, I have found a way to let go of my hurt through writing. I’ve learned to take time out to release negative feelings through positive action. I write my feelings out on paper, then, if it’s still too intense, I put my face into a pillow and scream.
Mostly, I have found being out in nature, by myself, under a tree or by a lake or a pond, writing amongst the universe really releases the feelings and helps me rebound. I’ve ripped through many of my writing pads with such intensity. It’s cathartic. It provides psychological relief through the open expression of powerful emotion, causing release, because it makes one feel so much better.
Taking these steps makes me cheer up, rally, and get back to myself. It helps me see things clearly and from a different perspective. Further, it helps me harmonize my body, mind and spirit-self.
I understand how you, the reader, could feel serene one moment, while looking at magnificence, and the next, in the back of your mind, have high levels of anxiety and tension with your heart weeping for a sense of peace and harmony. I encourage all of you, who read my blog posts, who are dealing with any catastrophes, to look to nature or within for refuge.
Reflections in a Waterfall
A waterfall pours
Without resistance or control
Reflecting beauty
Even though its heart is weeping.
You can order my poetry collection, including this poem, here: Reflections of My Heart.
Original text ©2025 by Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved. Image from Pinterest. Original on https://modernhiker.com/.
You pour into the very soul of those who love you. We are cleansed, free of the blood of our spiritual wounds. Welcomed, forgiven, loved as only you can