The Healing Horse, Ch. 25, Scene 5: Waiting for Tammy and Kimberly

phot of black chrysler new yorker station wagon
In this short scene, Karen watches as her friends arrive and feels reassured by her mother’s presence.

(Image courtesy of Pinterest.)

Scene 5: Waiting for Tammy and Kimberly

The week seemed to take forever, but now Tammy and Kimberly would arrive any minute.

Karen paced the living room and told herself, “Calm down, Kitten. It’s exciting that Tammy and Kimberly are finally going to meet, but you need to take some deep breaths and stay cool.”

She took a deep breath and peeked through the sheer curtains on the dining room window. Kimberly was starting to cross the street from her house, just as a brand new, black Chrysler New Yorker station wagon pulled into their driveway. She knew this must be Tammy and her mother.

She heard Mama rattling pots and pans in the kitchen and smelled fresh coffee brewing.

“Mama,” she called. “They’re here!”

She felt Mama’s warm hands on her shoulders and glanced around to see her mother dressed in Capris and a loose shirt, just like her.

Original text ©2022 by Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.

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