The Healing Horse, Ch. 18, Scene 10: Bath Time

image of drawing of bathtubKitten tries to be brave, but even though Pegasus believes in her and knows she can deal with anything she has to face, but her mood is not so confident. (Image courtesy of Vincent Le Moign, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Scene 10: Bath Time

Indoors, Kitten smiled. Pegasus had put her worries into perspective. She feared neither her worries nor the realities that brought them on.

In the bathroom, she opened the tub’s taps and shook some Mr. Bubble under the spout. When the tub was full, she turned off the water and went to her bedroom. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she felt herself relax, but then, through the bedroom window, she saw Pegasus outside.

She moved to her window seat and carefully raised the mini-blinds and the lower sash. With the stars shining down upon her, she asked, “What are you doing here, Pegasus?”

“I was concerned about you, Kitten, so I remained by your window.”

When she answered, her voice was as faint as the unseasonably warm January wind that rustled the branches of the trees.

“I’m all right. I’m trying to stay positive. I’m trying to stay in the present and not let my mind wander into worry. I keep lassoing it in, whenever it does.”

“It isn’t easy, is it?” he asked. “Yet, you can sleep well, knowing that you are ready for next week even though it is not yet here.”

“You always know how to make me feel better, Pegasus. What’s that new word you taught me? Mmmmm… Mun—munif—munificent! That’s it! Plus, pleasureful and pulchritudinous, like Joshua always says. Those are not just words now. They have come to life for you and me.”

“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you, sweet Kitten, but remember what I told you on the mountain. Think ahead, but keep your thoughts positive. When you fear the future, counteract your fear with fearlessness. Think of how things could work out for the best. This will change the power of your thoughts from negative to positive, so that they work for you instead of against you.”

Karen watched as his lavender glow exploded into a fiery purple blaze, and then he silently turned and trotted back toward the stables.

Original Text ©2021, Karen Lynn-Chlup. All rights reserved.


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